Widely known for his comedy with The Playmakers, Jason Fredericks helps launch Just Digital TV as Head of Content. Church Stars recently caught up with Jason who answered a few questions about the network.
CS: Who is the Creator of Just Digital TV?
JF: Tobias Pearce is the head of Just Digital. Holly Carter is the Executive Producer.
CS: What was the inspiration behind the idea?
JF: There wasn't a home base for online, fine, clean, urban, faith - friendly entertainment. And faith friendly doesn't mean "Churchy". It means we aren't going to disrespect the faith based crowd. There wasn't a network dedicated to this so we are trying to develop one; something for all ages.
CS: What type of programming is included?
JF: Comedy, Heath and Wellness, Celebrity personality driven content, original series etc. As our network grows, we will expand into these areas.
CS: How does the viewer access Just Digital TV/Is there any special equipment needed?
JF: As of now, just like us on Facebook and Instagram. In the near future we will have some more content posted exclusively from our website.
CS: How often is new programming available?
JF: Right now we are in soft launch mode as we get the word out about what we are doing at Just Digital. You might see content 1-2 times per week for right now. Then after the official launch it will be more like 4-5 times per week.
CS: Anything else you'd like to say?
JF: Support just digital it will keep you entertained. It will be new and fresh exclusive content from several of the content creators you already love and follow. It's still TV, Just Digital!
Church Stars will keep you posted on the official launch of Just Digital, so stay tuned!