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Since the inception of his first stage play in college, 350 people came out that day and witnessed the making of this church star Domenique Smith. The man behind the curtain of several productions from "Is My Love In The Wrong Place", "Unfinished Business" and "Like Father Like Daughter" to name a few. Domenique has gained notoriety as a progressive, inspiring and

multi-talented, playwright, actor and producer hailing from Dallas, Texas.

Domenique's production company recently underwent a name change after an epiphany while driving. Isn't it funny how God does that. Dominique saw a call to action street sign provoking people to support an unjustly incarcerated individual. The word "FREE" captured him with the realization that this was exactly the way he felt about his dreams. This whisper from God prompted Domenique to change the name of his company from Dream Writing Productions to the Free My Dream Entertainment.

"Free My Dreams" is not only an entertainment company, but also a fashionable, stylish and funky t-shirt collection launched in the fall of 2016. The collection is colorful, smart and trendy in looks, you"ll find a wide range of tees to select from in various styles.

Domenique is an avid believer in "doing" what's necessary to free his dreams and share them with the world as opposed to "keeping them locked up in your mind" where no one benefits from them.

Unafraid of risks or challenges, he shared a story of when he heard a sermon that included the phrase, "Fake It Til' You Make It. Those three little words stuck with him and he understood

"If I Believe I Am, I Am".

When asked which of the many hats he wears is his favorite, he quickly responded, "Writing!

It is how I express my self best". Domenique also shared that his favorite writing environment consists of a quiet room, jazz and a bowl of fruit.

Domenique is such a positive individual, we wanted to know what encouraging words he has for a cast prior to stepping on stage. We learned that he prays, calms everyone by reminding them that they are capable and plays a little soothing jazz to relax them. He also shared that his encouraging words to any other artists would be simple, "Don't Just Dream".

We also posed the question, "Thinking about your journey and what you've accomplished thus far, if you had a one man show in Vegas, what would it be called?

He answered simply, "Overcoming Your Struggles." No explanation needed.

Currently he has two stage plays that will premier this year, "Life in Shambles (Fall 2018) and

"Gift Wrapped" (Winter 2018). He is also working on a couple of movies.

Domenique Smith is an amazing God-given talent who exudes positive energy.

His "Can Do It Regardless" spirit and "Let's Get It Done" attitude is truly inspiring and contagious.

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