“Guess Who Showed Up at Dinner” is the wildly funny stageplay produced, written, and directed by Award-winning Playwright and Director – Mark E. Swinton. This production is the hilarious tale of Sugarbread Robinson, a quirky musician who decides to journey to his roots in the Deep South to find inspiration for his new music project. He finds more than inspiration! With his best friend Ronald along side, Sugarbread journeys on a long road trip cross country from Los Angeles to the backwoods of a small South Carolina town – Moncks Corner! Sugarbread’s grandparents and extended family have lived in Moncks Corner all their lives. With a little more than a dream and a prayer, the two misfits hope that some time away spent with family may allow their muse to appear, helping them to realize their dreams of stardom.
Unknowingly, Sugarbread’s visit to the small country town ignites an incredible firestorm that he and Ronald will have a difficult time containing.
Don’t miss this astonishing tale about being young, having a dream, finding true love, and at all times balancing the joys and pains of living with family. With exciting new musical scores, and a barrel of laughs, “Guess Who Showed Up At Dinner”promises to be an evening that you will cherish forever.
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