The First Ladies of Comedy are taking Family Entertainment to another level, by bringing a Phenomenal New Comedic Experience, that can be enjoyed by the whole family. The FLOC is comprised of 4 Renowned Comedians... Comedienne Sylvia "Small Fire" Holloway (Atlanta, Georgia), Comedienne Trina "Sister Cantaloupe" Jeffrie (Dallas Texas), Comedienne Michelle "Mz. WallStreet" Hodges (Atlanta, Georgia), and the one and only Comedienne Tanya Lewis (Washington, D.C.).
The FLOC are creating a buzz in the Christian and Secular Communities, because of the hilarious content they bring, which is broadly relatable to all audiences. Never before have we seen a Comedy Tour such as this. 100% Fresh Comedy material, without Vulgarity, Degradation or Profanity. 100% Tasteful Comedy, that can be enjoyed by the entire Family. The FLOC are introducing a whole new experience of Concert Comedy with their "FUNNIER THAN THOU TOUR".
The FLOC are becoming the newest cultural phenomenon with a vision to sell out arenas all across the globe.
The FLOC will be the first All Clean comedy concert film genre released in theaters, featuring an all Female Talent Lineup.
For Tickets and Showtimes visit: