The viral video of Deztin Pryor, known as Dj Pryor, and his 19-month-old son was uploaded to Facebook by the baby's mother, Shanieke Pryor, and shows the pair engaged in a conversation. While the baby's words sound like gibberish, his father warmly encourages him in the conversion by responding as they talk back-and-forth.
Pryor told CNN they were watching the season finale of “Empire” as the baby pointed his finger to the television screen and chatted away. The interaction has now been watched more than 57 million times with over 1.5 million shares on Facebook alone.
After realizing that his video nearly broke the internet with shares, the Tennessee-based comedian took to Instagram to share his story.
“We Set FIYA to World This Week!!!! Through COMEDY!!!!.......Through COMEDY!!! It’s unheard of the crazy impact this video left!!!” he wrote on Tuesday. “I’m truly humbled!! I can’t even lie and tell y’all that doesn’t excite me!!!! Do you realize what that means?? This week we found a common thread not just in our country but in the WORLD!!! Race or anything else mattered because this week we found more that UNITED US than DIVIDED US and we enjoyed it all together.”
Pryor is a professing Christian and a review of his social media posts reveals that he frequently shares uplifting and powerful comments such as, “God is the greatest.”
Source: CNN